People Financials Organization

Peoples Financials Foundation

Launch of the PeoplesFinancials Foundation

Press article #30: Paris Match
Thursday, February 6th 2014


1’000’000+ readers per edition

In Geneva’s Hotel La Réserve, the co-founders of PeoplesFinancials, Michael Heijmeijer, CEO of , and Markus Ferber, member of the European Parliament in charge of product risk for the European Union, announced the official launch of the PeoplesFinancials foundation. It aims to shift the balance of power between the financial sector and the general public in favour of the latter, by giving them the tools they need to understand and manage financial-product risk. Notably, by providing individuals with free access to a unique product security database, which will allow them to search for and be notified of objective information on products and trends.

Peoples Financials Foundation

A-One Business Center, Z.A. La Pièce 1 – A5, 1180 Rolle, Switzerland.     l

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