People Financials Organization

Peoples Financials Foundation the Google of finance is born

Press article #3: Private Banking
May 2010

4’000 readers per edition

The largest database, with an integrated search engine, has just been launched. Yves Aellig, a native of Vaud in French speaking Switzerland, and a former trader and investment manager, has created, in close collaboration with Thomson Reuters, SIX Telekurs and Dow Jones News, among others. The platform provides factual information on 6.9 million financial products (including 490,000 funds and 484,000 shares). Access is free. The platform required three years of conceptual and IT development. It is the most comprehensive online database in the world, covering 99% of listed and unlisted financial products offered to the public.

Peoples Financials Foundation

A-One Business Center, Z.A. La Pièce 1 – A5, 1180 Rolle, Switzerland.     l

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